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A statement to the Dutch governments and the EU to support refugees in Europe in times of COVID-19
A statement to the Dutch government that support for developing countries should be part of the Dutch government's emergency meassures to combat COVID-19.
Justice and Peace has joined other organisations in calling on the Hungarian government to set a clear end date in their proposed bill seeking an indefinite extension to the current state of emergency.
Because of all the meassures taken surrounding COVID-19, it has become far more challenging for our Samen Hier participants to stay in touch with each other.
Tribute to Irina Paikacheva, Russian human rights defender. Photographer: Daniella van Bergen.
As a result of COVID-19 meassures, we have had to cancel the stay of the upcoming group of Shelter City guests.
Meassures in response to the Corona COVID-19 virus
The Human Rights Tulip is an award presented to human rights defenders or organisations who promote and support human rights in peaceful and innovative ways.
The exhibition features six human rights defenders who stayed in Shelter City. It will be on display from 28 Feb to 26 March 2020 at The Hague city hall