A.G., defending the planet through his art in the Philippines
A.G. began his mission to combat the illegal extraction and trafficking of marine mammals in the Philippines in 2010. Through a powerful street art campaign, A.G. rallied a team of 200,000 international volunteers to paint over 1000 murals in 16 countries, raising awareness and igniting conversations about the dire conditions of whales and dolphins. A.G. is a Filipino environmental artist, human rights defender and former resident within the Artist’s Safe Haven initiative.
A.G. actively engages in mentorship and provides psychosocial services by facilitating art workshops in communities dealing with trauma from social conflicts and climate disasters. His message revolves around pressing issues such as climate justice, human rights, and indigenous people’s rights.
Through his art, A.G. transforms images into a powerful vehicle for community engagement and empowerment.

Activism, justice, and artistic freedom
In addition to his impactful work as a defender and a muralist, A.G. participated in an engaging dialogue on a podcast episode titled “The Freedom of Cartoonists and Muralists” from the Podcast Series: Press Freedom Highlighted by Beeld en Geluid. Alongside fellow cartoonists Emanuele del Rosso (European Cartoon Award) and Tjeerd Royaards (The Cartoon Movement), A.G. explored the drivers, challenges, and transformative potential of political art amidst adversity.
The conversation delves into the power of visual storytelling in addressing pressing global issues and inspiring positive change. Find more about A.G.’s and fellow activists’ insights and experiences by listening to the full podcast episode.
Listen to the complete podcast series “Press Freedom Highlighted (Persvrijheid Belicht)”. We thank A.G. for the profound impact he continues to make.