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Home » OPINION ARTICLE: Active citizenship offers a solution in asylum-crisis

OPINION ARTICLE: Active citizenship offers a solution in asylum-crisis

Translated by: Luuk Speckens
31 August 2022

In response to the ongoing sheltering crisis in Ter Apel, Justice & Peace published an opinion article on the platform socialevraagstukken.nl. In this article, we vouch for a greater role for citizens and civil initiatives in the reception of refugees, by calling our governments for the implementation of active citizenship in national and local policy.

Published on the Dutch platform ‘Social issues’
By: Sascha Pimentel of human rights organisation Justice & Peace
Image: socialevraagstukken.nl

On the other hand, in the Netherlands, the decision of the government to house asylum seekers without explicit agreements with local residents caused local protest and hardened views on refugees.