Workshop ‘Human Rights Visualized’
On 10 December, Human Rights Day, the T.M.C. Asser Instituut has invited 40 students from high schools based in The Hague to participate in the workshop ‘Human Rights Visualized’. In this workshop, the students will visualize human rights in their own environment.
The students will first visit the exhibition ‘Visual human rights’ under the supervision of photographer Hoessein Alkisaei in Humanity House and learn about human rights and photography. Then they will choose one article from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), after which they will go into the city of The Hague to take pictures that illustrates the chosen article. Finally, the students will discuss and select, together with the photographer and members of the Asser Institute and Humanity House, the pictures that best visualize the chosen UDHR articles. The selected pictures will be published on the websites of Visual Human Rights, the Asser Institute, and the participating schools. In 2020, Hoessein’s exhibition and the selected pictures will be displayed at the Asser Institute.
Initiative of T.M.C. Asser Instituut, Hoessein Alkisaei and Humanity House.
Cooperation with Kinder- en Jongerenrechtswinkel, Netherlands Helsinki Committee, Justice and Peace, De Gevangenpoort, Cordaid and The Hague Municipality.