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Home » Martin Luther King Lecture 2020: ‘We cannot walk alone’

Martin Luther King Lecture 2020: ‘We cannot walk alone’

“Patient with people, impatient with progress.”
Dr. Wes Bellamy

Powerful, inspiring, and empowering. On 10 December, International Human Rights Day, we had the pleasure of hosting this year’s annual Martin Luther King Lecture in The Hague. We were blown away by the inspirational words, discussions, and spoken word performances, and by all those that tuned in from the Netherlands and around the world.

We thank everyone that took part in the organisation of this year’s MLK lecture, including special guests, activist and academic, Dr. Wes Bellamy, spoken word artist, Elten Kiene, the four spoken word nominees, and all those that took part in the Q&A, and those behind the scenes. A special thank you also to those that joined us live or watched the replay afterwards.

We look forward to continuing the MLK lecture next year. Until then, we will continue the legacy of Dr. King and of those before and after him dedicated to a just, equal, and peaceful world.