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Reham and Yahya, Impact story

Interview by: Eva Schouten

Five months ago, Syrians Yahya and Reham came to Rotterdam from Lebanon through the Dutch resettlement scheme. They participated in Samen Hier, and were supported during this major change by the group of Hussam, Bart and David.

Yahya: “We arrived in Rotterdam from Lebanon five months ago. We are originally from Syria but have lived in Lebanon for the past five years. We tried to build ourselves back up; we wanted to build a life there. We were working. We both have experience in restaurants as chefs; I have twenty years of experience, and Reham has ten years of experience. But we had to leave because of the political situation and the bullying.”

“We were bullied and harassed, and the police were against us because I’m trans.”

Reham: “Living there was really hard. We were bullied, harassed, and the police were against us because I am trans. I was once hit in the face with a stick by a police officer. That is why our asylum case in Lebanon was dropped, and we could not stay there any longer. Fortunately, we were selected to come to the Netherlands via resettlement.

Navigating a new life in the Netherlands

“I have much respect for the Netherlands, as when we came, we felt much more comfortable and safer. We came here through resettlement. We got plenty of information while still being in Lebanon, so we thought it would be simple. However, the beginning proved to be quite complicated. Bart, David and Hussam supported us and helped us navigate life in the Netherlands. Now, it has become easier. ”

“I have much respect for the Netherlands, as when we came, we felt much more comfortable and safer.”

Yahya: “In the beginning we received help with many practical matters. For example, we did not know how an OV chip-card worked and how to apply for it. We also faced problems with our bank account, because it was only on my name, so Reham could not access it. The Samen Hier group helped us solve the problem, and now we both have a bank account.”

Building meaningful connections

Reham: “We deeply appreciate Samen Hier. We had no friends, but now we have a friend, Hussam. The group also helped us find the house we live in currently. COA also supported us a lot in finding a nice place. Bart and Hussam also helped to transfer our cat from Lebanon to the Netherlands.”

“We really appreciate Samen Hier. We had no friends, but now we have a friend, Hussam.”

Yahya: “Hussam gave us good advice. He told us to remain calm and not let the bullying affect us. Fortunately, the mentality is different in the Netherlands. The important thing is that we now live here and not in Lebanon. The biggest issues for us -the bullying, violence, rule-breaking- are now solved.”

Reham: “It is going to work out for us in the future with local organizations and our good friend Hussam standing by us. We feel safer and will build our lives from here.”

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