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Resources voor mensenrechtenverdedigers

Het trainersteam van Justice and Peace verzamelt en creëert voortdurend diverse middelen en bronnen om activisten, journalisten, bloggers, kunstenaars en advocaten over de hele wereld te steunen in hun strijd voor mensenrechten. Dit is onderverdeeld in directe tot lange-termijn ondersteuning, relocatie en meer handige links.

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Protect Defenders

Protect Defenders delivers emergency financial and material support to individual HRDs at risk, for physical security, digital security, communications, capacity building in security, secure transportation, legal support, medical support (including psycho-social support and rehabilitation), humanitarian assistance (including family support), urgent relocation and monitoring, reporting and advocacy.

Eligibility: Worldwide
Contact: contact@protectdefenders.eu
Application: https://www.protectdefenders.eu/en/form-c1.html
Languages: EN, ES, FR, AR, RU, ES, PT

Front Line Defenders (FLD)

The FLD provides financial support to improve the physical and digital security of an organisation or individual. Grants can also be used to support legal and medical fees, as well as to assist imprisoned HRDs or family members who are at risk because of a HRD’s activities.

Eligibility: Worldwide
Contact: grants@frontlinedefenders.org
Application: https://www.frontlinedefenders.org/en/programme/protection-grants
Languages: EN, ES, FR, AR, RU, ES, PT

Euro Mediterranean Foundation of Support to Human Rights Defenders (EMHRF)

The EMHRF provides financial support to help counter threats against individual lives and/or those of members of their family and reinforce the visibility and pursuit of their activities at a strategic timing.

Eligibility: South Mediterranean region (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Palestine and Israel)
Contact: grants@frontlinedefenders.org
Application: http://emhrf.org/standard-grants/
Languages: EN, FR, AR

International federation for human rights (FIDH)

Costs eligible for financial support or direct material support include the following: physical security, digital security, communications, capacity building in security, secure transportation, legal support, medical support (including psycho-social support and rehabilitation), humanitarian assistance (including family support), urgent relocation, urgent monitoring, reporting or advocacy).

Eligibility: Worldwide
Contact: C1@fidh.org
Application: https://www.fidh.org/IMG/pdf/form_emergencyassistance_hrd_eng.pdf
More information: https://www.fidh.org/en/issues/human-rights-defenders/financial-support/
Languages: EN, ES, FR, AR

World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT)

OMCT grants material assistance and emergency support to human rights defenders working in the most difficult circumstances, as well as financial support to strengthen sensitive initiatives, in any region of the world.

Eligibility: Worldwide
Contact: grants@omct.org
Application: http://www.omct.org/human-rights-defenders/links/2015/10/d23598/
Languages: EN, ES, FR

Defend Defenders

Defend Defender provides emergency assistance in the East and Horn of Africa. Their priority areas include women human rights defenders, human rights defenders working on sexual minorities issues, defenders in zones of armed conflict, and Journalists.

Eligibility: East and Horn of Africa, Burundi, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Somalia (including Somaliland), Sudan, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda
Contact: info@defendersdefenders.org
Application: https://www.defenddefenders.org/get-help/
Languages: EN, ES, FR

European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR)

EIDHR provides small grants on an ad-hoc basis to HRDs in need of urgent support. The list of activities is non-exhaustive, what matters is the gravity of the situation, its emergency and the effectiveness of the action in favour of the HRD at risk are the criteria considered in assessing and prioritising the cases.

Eligibility: Worldwide
Contact: support@ec.europa.eu
Application: https://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/node/1071
Languages: EN

Asian forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA)

FORUM-ASIA’s ‘Protection Plan’ for HRDs at risk was developed to provide timely and efficient assistance to HRDs at risk in Asia, through temporary relocation and other types of urgent assistance.

Eligibility: The HRD applying shall be from one of the member/partner organisations of FORUM-ASIA or works on human rights issues together with FORUM-ASIA’s members/partners organisations in Asia
Contact: protection@forum-asia.org
Application: https://www.forum-asia.org/
Languages: EN

Digital Freedom

DFF funds three types of activities: single-instance litigation, pre-litigation research, and emergency support.

Eligibility: Worldwide
Contact: grants@digitalfreedomfund.org
Application: https://digitalfreedomfund.org/application-process/
Languages: EN

Urgent Action Fund Africa

UAF-Africa provides financial support for strategic interventions that take advantage of opportunities to advance women’s human rights. Grants are amde in five categories (1) Defending the defenders (2) Protecting women’s individual dignity, safety and autonomy (3) Justice and the rule of law (4) Economic Justice and (5) Natural Resource Governance & Climate Change.

Eligibility: Worldwide
Contact: proposals@uaf-africa.org
Application: https://www.uaf-africa.org/
Languages: EN, FR, AR, PT, SWA.

Urgent Action Fund Asia or the Pacific

UAF-Asia provides two types of grants, the Security and Well Being Grant and the Resoucing Resilience Grant.

Eligibility: Worldwide
Contact: info@uafanp.org
Application: https://www.uafanp.org/apply-now
Languages: EN, FR, AR, PT, SWA.

Agir Ensemble Pour Les Droits de l’Homme (AEDH)

AEDH’s emergency fund assistance includes evacuation aid, relocation assistance, legal assistance, medical aid and intervention with authorities.

Eligibility: Central Africa, Latin America & the Caribbean, East and South Asia or the Pacific
Contact: agir-ensemble@aedh.org
Application: https://www.aedh.org/en/home/what-we-do/emergency-fund-for-human-rights-defenders?id=224
Languages: EN, ES, FR

CSO Lifeline

Lifeline provides small, short-term emergency grants through Freedom House and FrontLine Defenders. Grants are available for CSOs threatened because of their human rights work and can address security, medical expenses, legal representation, prison visits, trial monitoring, temporary relocation, equipment replacement, and other urgently needed expenses.

Eligibility: Worldwide
Contact: info@csolifeline.org
Application: https://www.csolifeline.org/emergency-assistance
Languages: EN, ES, FR, AR, RU, FA

CSO Resiliency grants

Lifeline also provide resiliency grants to support CSOs at-risk CSOs, so they can proactively avoid or mitigate threats and continue their work in high-risk environments. These grants can be used for a broad range of activities, such digital or physical security training; technical training on how to respond to restrictive CSO legislation; building peer-to-peer support networks or establishing temporary collaborative space to help CSOs return to work.

Eligibility: Worldwide
Contact: Apply through different partners, 1). Freedom House: advocacy@csolifeline.org; 2). ICNL: lifeline@icnl.org; 3). SILC: lifeline@silc.se; 4). CIVICUS: crisis.response@civicus.org
Application: https://www.csolifeline.org/resiliency-grants
Languages: EN, ES, FR, PT


Free Press Unlimitted

Provides a Security fund to support journalists and media organisations in distress, facing obstruction, vandalism, or intimidations, as a result of their work.

Eligibility: Worldwide
Contact: reportersrespond@freepressunlimited.org
Application: https://www.freepressunlimited.org/en/safety-for-journalists/emergency-support
Languages: EN, NL

Free Press Unlimitted – Legal defense

Provides a Legal Defense fund to support  journalists and media organisations facing prosecution or imprisonment with lawyer or trial costs.

Eligibility: Worldwide
Contact: legalfund@freepressunlimited.org
Application: https://www.freepressunlimited.org/en/safety-for-journalists/legal-defense-fund-for-journalists
Languages: EN, NL

Reporters without Borders

(RSF) provides financial and administrative assistance to professional journalists and citizen-journalists who have been the victims of reprisals because of their reporting.

Eligibility: Worldwide
Contact: assistance@rsf.org for NGO and media outlet requests assistance2@sf.org for individual requests
Application: https://rsf.org/en/individual-support
Languages: EN, NL

Committee to Protect Journalists

CPJ’s Emergencies Response Team provides comprehensive, life-saving support to journalists and media support staff working around the world through up-to-date safety and security information and rapid response assistance to journalists at risk.

Eligibility: Worldwide
Contact: report_violation@cpj.org
Application: https://cpj.org/emergency-response/how-to-get-help.php
Languages: EN, ES, FR, AR, RU, TR

Rory Peck Trust

Rory Peck Trust offers free rapid response services, assistance grants, training funds, online resources, awards and partnerships, to freelance journalists and their families worldwide. Grants are targeted to medical and rehabilitation costs, emergency subsistence, legal advice, and relocation costs. Online resources consist of safety and security, digital security, risks assessments and insurance guidance.

Note: Assistance grants forms are available in English, French, Spanish, Arabic and Russian
Eligibility: Freelance journalists, photographers, fixers, cameramen and filmmakers, who have worked in newsgathering and/or current affairs for a minimum of 18 months.
Contact: assistance@rorypecktrust.org
Application: https://rorypecktrust.org/resources


Urgent Action Fund Latin America & the Caribbean

Delivers financial support to women activists and defenders, their collectives, or organisations in situations of risk or threat which impacts their safety and security

Eligibility: Latin America & the Caribbean
Contact: apoyos3@fondoaccionurgente.org.co
Application: https://fondoaccionurgente.org.co/
Languages: EN, ES, PT


Dignity for All

The Dignity for All: LGBTI Assistance Program is a consortium of eight leading human rights and LGBTI organizations that provides emergency assistance, advocacy funding, and security support to human rights defenders and civil society organisations under attack because of their work for LGBTI people or communities.

Eligibility: Worldwide
Contact: info@dignitylgbti.org
Application: http://www.dignitylgbti.org/
Languages: EN, ES, FR, AR, FAR, CHI


International Lawyers Observatory

Provides financial support to lawyers who have no revenues because they were revoked from the BAR. Other urgent assistance consists of organising emergency defense missions for lawyers tried in their country and reporting to national and international authorities the various cases of lawyers, suffering threats, pressures, tortures, disparitions and other damages of their physical and moral integrity.

Eligibility: Worldwide
Contact: contact@oiad.org
Application: https://www.protect-lawyers.com/en/the-observatory/#missions
Languages: EN, FR


Artist Protection Fund

The Artist Protection Fund (APF)offers fellowship grants and welcomes inquiries from threatened artists directly or from individuals or institutions nominating threatened artists for support. APF is for artists who are facing or have recently fled from immediate, severe, and targeted threats to their lives and/or careers in their home countries or countries of residence. Artists are placed at host institutions and art centers in safe countries where they can continue their work and plan their next steps.

Eligibility: Worldwide, artists from any artistic discipline/practice may apply
Contact: APF@iie.org
Application: https://www.iie.org/Programs/Artist-Protection-Fund#.V-VIqpMrIXo
Languages: EN

Urgente Relocatie

Shelter City Nederland

The Shelter City Netherlands initiative provides human rights defenders from any country and of all kinds (journalists, lawyers, social activists, etc), the opportunity to recharge energies and strengthen their capacities and skills within a 3 months relocation and training programme, in one of the 14 Shelter Cities in the Netherlands. During this period participants are, trained in areas such as digital, organisational and physical security; have access to psychological and well-being sessions and; are able to expand their network with organisations in the Netherlands and in Europe. Applications are open twice a year in May and November. Calls for applications will be published on the website below. To keep up-to-date follow the Shelter City Initiative on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.

More information: https://www.justiceandpeace.nl/initiatives/shelter-city-human-rights-support/
Email: info@sheltercity.org

Shelter City Tbilisi, Georgië

The Tbilisi Shelter City programme aims to reduce human rights defenders’ risks, helping them to relocate temporary for a maximum period of 3 months. During this time, human rights defenders of all kinds, including lawyers, social activists, employees of public organisations, journalists whose professional activities are related to human rights, are provided with housing, education, as well as psychological and medical assistance if needed. Defenders also receive training in safety, advocacy, communications, and other topics of their interest and have the opportunity to acquire new proffesional contacts. Applications are open along the year. Applicants should work in one of the following countries: Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Belarus, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Ukraine. Applicants should be willing to take part in the three-month programme independently. Only in exceptional cases human rights defenders can participate with the closest family members.

More information: www.facebook.com/tbs.shelter/
Email: tbs.shelter@gmail.com
Phone: +99 555 543 0046

Protect Defenders

Protect Defenders together with national, regional and international organisations provide temporary shelter according to Human Rights Defenders needs. This means relocation is arranged within their own country or region or outside it, if necessary. Applications should be conform to the Grants Applications Guidelines. ProtectDefenders.eu accepts applications sent directly by individuals at risk or by potential host organisations. Prior to relocation, preventive measures for personal security and protection will be prioritized depending on the case. Protect Defenders offers other types of grants and training support. For more information please click on the Grants button on the upper left and search for General.

More information: https://www.protectdefenders.eu/en/supporting-defenders.html#modal-2
Email: tr@protectdefenders.eu
Languages: EN, ES, FR, AR, RU, ES, PT

CSO Lifeline

Lifeline is a consortium of international non-governmental organisations and various governments that aims to push back against civic space threats. CSO Lifeline offers relocation assistance. This could be moving your office to a safer neighborhood, moving staff to a different city or country or temporarily relocating in a secure environment. To be eligible to apply, the risk or threats of an attack against yourself or your organisation, must have occurred in the last three months. Please submit your interest to apply via email and CSO will sent you an application form. Secure ways of communication, such PGP, encrypted email or encrypted chat communication. If these don’t seem familiar to you, CSO can walk you through the process on how to use them.

More information: https://www.csolifeline.org/emergency-assistance
Application email: info@csolifeline.org For Latin American applicants: lac@csolifeline.org
Languages: EN, ES, FR, AR, RU, FA

La Maison des Journalistes (the Journalists’ house)

The Maison des Journalistes (MDJ) is a French foundation that protects journalists who have been forced to flee their countries because of persecution relating to their work. Journalists can stay in a secure building in the city of Paris in France, for a maximum period of six months. Along with a great opportunity to rest and continue their work in a safe environment, meals, monthly transportation passes, and French language classes are offered.  Administrative and cultural accompaniment are provided to accompany the journalists in their asylum process, during the stay and after.

More information: http://www.maisondesjournalistes.org/about-la-maison-des-journalistes/
Email: mdj@maisondesjournalistes.org
Application:  https://www.maisondesjournalistes.org/formulaire-admission/


Emergency Lines, Skype and secure Email forms

Access Now

Are you a human rights defender, activist, media organisation, journalist or blogger under attacked? Has your site been blocked or taken offline? Access Now’s Digital Security Helpline provides real-time emergency assistance within two hours in nine languages. Call free-of-charge resource, the Helpline will walk you or your organisation through assessing the risks you face in order to prioritize your digital security needs. Access Now will help you resolve existing problems, teach you best practices, and how to prevent potential threats.

Phone: 1(888) 414 0100
Email: help@accessnow.org
Website: https://www.accessnow.org/help/

Defenders Defenders

Are you a human rights defender in the East and Horn of Africa and in need of emergency assistance? The following Emergency line is available 24/7 . Defend defenders could help you reduce your vulnerability to the risk and enhance your capacity. You could also complete a secure email form.

Phone: 256-783-027611
Email: protection@defenddefenders.org
Website: https://www.defenddefenders.org/get-help/

FrontLine Defenders

Are you at serious risk as a result of defending human rights? Rapidly contact FrontLine Denferdes on the number below, via Skype or filling a secure email form. FrontLine Defenders could improve your visilibity, raising your case through the EU or individual government representatives. This non profit could also assist you with temporary relocation, medical needs and/or legal expenses.

Phone: 353 (0) 1 21 00 489
Skype: front-line-emergenc
Email: info@frontlinedefenders.org
Website: https://www.frontlinedefenders.org/emergency-contact

Panic Button

The Natalia Project

Is the world’s first alarm and positioning system for human rights defenders at risk. The participants wear the Natalia Project alarm on their wrists. In case of an attack, a pull of the wristband activates the alarm upon which a distress signal is sent to Civil Rights Defenders headquarters in Stockholm. The signal is then verified by people on the ground. Within minutes of the attack, the signal is also sent out to global social media platforms, allowing people all over the globe to immediately get involved and exercise pressure on the regime. Applications to get a bracelet are collected via email.

Contact: nataliaproject@civilrightsdefenders.org
More information: http://www.civilrightsdefenders.org

Digitale ondersteuning

Digital Defenders – Sustainable Grant

DgD provides financial support to any NGO, human rights or media organisation that deal with their own or others’ digital emergencies and are facing threats due to the work they are doing. Sustainable grants can be used for training staff members, secure internet infrastructure in an office, setting up security policies or secure data storage systems for sensitive files.

Eligibility: Awarded if it concerns a project in internet repressive and transitional countries.
Contact: team@digitaldefenders.org
Application: https://www.digitaldefenders.org/sections/direct-support-grants/
Languages: EN


Shelter City Nederland

The Shelter City Netherlands initiative provides human rights defenders from any country and of all kinds (journalists, lawyers, social activists, etc), the opportunity to recharge energies and strengthen their capacities and skills within a 3 months relocation and training programme, in one of the 14 Shelter Cities in the Netherlands. During this period participants are, trained in areas such as digital, organisational and physical security; have access to psychological and well-being sessions and; are able to expand their network with organisations in the Netherlands and in Europe. Applications are open twice a year in May and November. Calls for applications will be published on the website below. To keep up-to-date follow the Shelter City Initiative on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.

More information: https://www.justiceandpeace.nl/initiatives/shelter-city-human-rights-support/
Email: info@sheltercity.org


International Cities of Refuge Network (ICORN) is an organisation for cities and regions that offer long-term (up to two years) temporary refuge to persecuted writers, artists, musicians, editors, and translators within more than 70 locations in Europe, and Central America. Applicants are unable to choose a city, instead ICORN tries to match city and writer/artist as suitably as possible, depending on the urgency of the case, capacity of the city, cultural profile, etc. Are you facing a direct consequence because or your writing or artistic production? Have you been sentenced or at risk of beign sentenced to prison term? or unable to express yourself? To apply for temporary relocation complete the ICORN Residency Application form in the link below.  Answers coud take more than a month, for urgent relocation please refer to the Urgent Immediate Support section.

More information: https://www.icorn.org/application-guide-writers-and-artists-risk

York – CAHR

The Centre for Applied Human Rights runs a Protective Fellowship Scheme that invites Human rights defenders to live in York in the United Kingdom, for a period of three to six months. During this time human rights defenders benefit both from time away from a difficult environment, and from educational resources designed to increase their effectiveness and their ability to influence policy and practice when they return home. The Center cannot consider individual petitions, nominations to the fellowships are only accepted from recognised civil society organisations working in human rights and/or specifically with human rights defenders. A call for nominations usually goes out in February/March and the fellows are expected to arrive in York in either mid-September or early January.

More information: https://www.york.ac.uk/cahr/defenders/protective-fellowship/

Martin Roth Initiative

The Martin Roth Initiative protects artists who are committed in their home country to the freedom of art, democracy and human rights. Successful candidates receive a monthly scholarship and temporary residence in Germany or third countries with a duration of 12 to 24 months. This initiative aims to ensure that, at the end of the scholarship period, it is possible for the scholarship holder to return safely to their home country. The initiative puts an emphasis on collaboration with the cultural scenes and local civil society in the host countries, so elected participants are enabled to enhace their professional development. The Martin Roth-Initiative also commission research on relocation and protection.

More information: https://www.martin-roth-initiative.de/en

Defenders in Dordrecht

Defenders in Dordrecht offers human rights defenders who have been under pressure for a long time, a short stay in Dordrecht, Netherlands, to rest, reflect and recharge, so they can continue the struggle for freedom and human rights in their country. Selected defenders are granted a shelter, a modest contribution to livelihood, care where necessary, a social network and training in self-care, safety, stress management, etc.

More information: http://www.defendersindordrecht.org/
Email: info@defendersindordrecht.org


Defendred y su proyecto Casa de Respiro ofrece a defensores y defensoras de derechos humanos una estancia por varias semanas, para descansar, respirar, recuperarse física y psicológicamente, en una casa de protección localizada en la Sierra Norte de la Comunidad de Madrid, España. Defendred también propicia encuentros con la sociedad española para que los defensores y defensoras puedan explicar y dar a conocer la realidad de su comunidad y de su trabajo. Para aplicar complete el formulario de contacto.

Casa La serena

Casa La Serena es un espacio de estancia temporal en Oaxaca, México para la recuperación, sanación, descanso y reflexión de defensoras de derechos humanos que atraviesan por situaciones de cansancio extremo, desgaste emocional o físico, crisis personales, duelos o pérdidas no resueltas u otras circunstancias que derivan del contexto de violencia y cultura patriarcal en el que desarrollan su trabajo y que obstaculizan su labor de defensa. Las defensoras pueden aplicar individualmente, con familiares o grupos de trabajo. Para aplicar elabore una carta de motivación y enviela a casaserena.dh@gmail.com. Las preseleccionadas seran convocadas a una entrevista diagnóstica.

Más información: https://im-defensoras.org/la-serena/

Juridische ondersteuning

FreePress Unlimited

The FPU provide a legal defense fund to financiallysupport journalists, media workers, and media organisations who are at legal risk because of their profession. To be eligible you have to be a practicing media worker or media organisation; Your situation is a direct result of you being a media worker or media organisation; and your situation can be confirmed by at least two trusted sources outside of yourself.

Eligibility: Worldwide
Contact: legalfund@freepressunlimited.org
Application: https://www.freepressunlimited.org/en/safety-for-journalists/legal-defense-fund-for-journalists
Languages: EN, NL


MLDI provides legal aid to ensure that journalists, bloggers and media outlets have an effective legal defence when cases are launched against them. MLDI supports all applications that fall within their mandate, however, they prioritise cases that have one or more of the following characteristics:

  • There is a real risk that the case will result in the imprisonment of the journalist concerned;
  • There is a real risk that the case will result in the bankruptcy of the media outlet or journalist concerned;
  • There is a real risk that the case will end in the closure of the media outlet concerned;
  • MLDI is the only realistic avenue to provide the assistance required;
  • The case is of potential strategic importance

Eligibility: Worldwide
Contact: info@mediadefence.org
Application: https://www.mediadefence.org/individual-cases
Languages: EN, ES, FR, RU

Digital Freedom Fund

DFF provides pro bono lawyers and sometimes regular litigators to enable human rights in the digital realm become more effective in their work.

Eligibility: Worldwide
Contact: grants@digitalfreedomfund.org
Application: https://digitalfreedomfund.org/application-process/
Languages: EN

Mensenrechten prijzen

The True Heroes Awards Digest is an interactive database of Human Rights Awards and their laureates. The awards digest covers only international and regional awards, meaning awards which aim to award people from every country in the world or that region. Most awards state publicly one or more of the following purposes: (1) Protection of HRDs; (2) Recognition (moral support); (3) Material support (such as: cash, lobbying, introduction to decision makers, paid travel, access to project funding, training); and (4) Promotion of a specific cause. To help identify the latter the Digest has a searchable field called THEMES, which helps to narrow down the search. In addition award givers also want sometimes to keep alive the memory of the founder, honor an inspiring human rights hero, or in a few cases, combine the award with a fundraising drive.

Eligibility: Worldwide
Contact: hedigest@trueheroesfilms.org
Awards search: http://trueheroesfilms.org/thedigest/search

Social media

How to manage contributors to your WordPress website? (video in het Engels)

How to manage teams and roles on social media? (video in het Engels)

How to activate Two-Factor Authentication for Facebook and Twitter? (video in het Engels)

Password Management

How to use LastPass to manage passwords?

How to share passwords with teammates using LastPass?

How to lock your session in Windows 10?

[Advanced] How to manage passwords with KeePass?

[Advanced] How to change your KeePass Master Password?

E-mail security

How to activate Two-Factor Authentication for Gmail

How to use Tutanota to send and receive encrypted email

Policy Brief on 'Wellbeing, Risk, and Human Rights Practice'

Centre for Applied Human Rights, University of York, 2017

This policy brief encourages policy-makers, practitioners, and human rights defenders to develop spaces for self-reflection on individual and collective wellbeing, and to develop and support tactics and strategies for wellbeing.

Click here for the LINK

Emergency Response Toolkit, Tools for wellbeing

Patricia Mathes Cane, Capacitar, 2005

The following Capacitar exercises, based on simple ancient healing skills, are offered to be used at times when we feel drained, scattered or depressed. These tools are for all of us, whether we are survivors of trauma, caregivers or persons overwhelmed and stressed by daily life.

Click here for the LINK

Webinar Summary: Self-Care and Collective Wellbeing

AWID, 2016

This is a webinar on self-care, collective wellbeing, joy and pleasure as integral components in our struggles for rights and justice. The panellists shared their knowledge and experience with over 80 women’s rights and feminist activists in a vibrant exchange. Questions from the audience tackled the transformative potential of self and collective care but also the profound difficulties and challenges of putting it into practice.

Click here for the LINK

Self-Care and Self-Defense Manual for Feminist Activists

Artemisa, Elige and CREA, 2006

This manual guides women through a journey of self-exploration to optimize their strengths and reflect upon the work context caring for themselves. It provides a series of reflections and exercises that help building self-care strategies in very challenging situations, to which women in particular are exposed to.

Available in: Spanish and English

Click here for the LINK

Trauma and Self-Care Manual on Human Rights Monitoring

OHCHR, 2008

This Manual seeks to improve the efficiency, professionalism and impact of human rights field operation in implementing their monitoring mandates, by providing relevant guidance on international human standards and techniques for human rights monitoring.

Available only in English

Click here for the LINK

Travesías para pensar y actuar – experiencias de auto-cuidado

Iniciativa Mesoamericana de Defensoras de Derechos Humanos, 2014

Este manual recoge las más significativas experiencias colectivas de auto-cuidado que se han ido generando en la IM-Defensoras y las Redes Nacionales de defensoras en Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador y México. Aunque diferentes contextos, el auto-cuidado se conceptualiza como el motor de la protección integral y la garantía de la permanencia de los movimientos sociales.

Click here for the LINK

What's the point of revolution if we can't dance?

Urgent Action Fund for Women’s Human Rights, 2007

This book contains a collection of testimonies from more than 100 activists  around the world, who share their experiences maintaining the sustainability of their activism. Topics include their fears, hopes, exhaustion, exaltation, grief, loss, pain, pleasure, humor, spirituality, funding crunches, backbiting and burnout, self-worth, desire, selfishness, and selflessness.

Available in: English, Spanish, French, Albanian, Farsi and Serbian.

Click here for the LINK

BodyWork - Body Massage with Leo Mosselman
16 Basic Qigong Exercises with Leo Mosselman
Tai Chi & BodyWork with Leo Mosselman (Part 1)
Tai Chi & BodyWork with Leo Mosselman (Part 2)
16 Qigong Exercises with Leo Mosselman (Part 3)
Workbook on Security: Practical Steps for Human Rights Defenders at Risk

Frontline Defenders, 2016

A step by step guide to producing a security plan – for yourself and/or your organisation following a systematic approach for assessing your security situation and developing risk and vulnerability reduction strategies and tactics.

Available in: English, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Portuguese, Chinese, Urdu and Dari.

Click here for the LINK

Integrated security, the manual

Jane Barry, 2011

Rarely, if ever, do women human rights defenders have the time, or the safe spaces, to think about their security and well-being. This manual shows you how to arrange Integrated Security Workshops.

Available in: English.

Click here for the LINK

New Protection Manual for Human Rights Defenders

Protection International, 2009

A manual to provide human rights defenders with knowledge that to improve their understanding of security and protection. It enables human rights defenders to undertake their own risk assessments and define security rules and procedures which suit their particular situation.

Available in: English, French, Spanish, Indonesian, Swahili and Arabic.

Click here for the link

Holistic Security: a Strategy Manual for Human Rights Defenders

Tactical Technology Collective, 2016

A strategy manual to help human rights defenders maintain their well-being in action. The holistic approach integrates self-care, well-being, digital security, and information security into traditional security management practices.

Available in: English.

Click here for the LINK

Protection Manual for LGBTI+ Defenders

Protection International, 2010

This manual addresses the specific issues, as well as the psychological impact security threats have on the LGBTI community around the globe Facilitates risk assessment and strategic planning considering the international law and instruments for protection of SOGI rights. By the end suggests practical steps to improve security and ensure security rules and procedures are followed.

Available in: English, Spanish and French.

Click here for the LINK

Human Rights Defenders at high risk Security considerations for their families and personal lives

Protection International, 2014

This handbook provides suggestions on personal security measures for human rights defenders (HRDs) at high risk, as well as tools to prevent or minimise negative consequences of potential aggressions on HRDs’ homes, families, neighbourhoods or communities.

Available in: English and Spanish.

Click here for the LINK

Journalist Security Guide

Committee to Protect Journalists

This manual is aimed at local and international journalists of different levels of experience. It offers clear guidelines on how to do journalism in the midst of crisis, provides advice on complex issues such as digital security and the evaluation of threats.

Available in: English, French, Portuguese, Turkish, Somali, Arabic, Russian, Chinese and Persian.

Click here for the LINK

Cuidándonos – Guía de Protección para Defensoras y Defensores de Derechos Humanos en Áreas Rurales

Protection International, 2009

Esta guía es una propuesta que comprende estrategias, medidas de protección y metodologías organizadas, basadas en la experiencia vivida por defensores y defensoras de las áreas rurales de México, Guatemala, El Salvador y Colombia, quienes por defender la tierra o promover los derechos fundamentales del ser humano se encuentran en riesgo permanente.

Disponible solo en Español

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Manual para prevenir criminalización de DDHs

Protection International, 2007

Este manual ofrece elementos prácticos y de reflexión a los defensores rurales y a sus comunidades, sobre cómo la estigmatización, criminalización y judicialización, son elementos utilizados para desestabilizar y debilitar sus procesos organizativos de defensa en contra del despojo de sus tierras.

Disponible solo en Español

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Manual de Protección: Para comunidades rurales y DDHs

Censat, CAJAR, HSF, entre otros, 2015

Este no solo es un manual de protección basado en experiencias de Colombia, Perú y Bolivia, sino también una guía de la defensa de la tierra y el medio ambiente. Se describen las estrategias utilizadas para entrar al territorio y las maneras de represión utilizadas en contra de las organizaciones y comunidades. Ofrece un manual de mecanismos de prevención y de reacción con una mirada de seguridad holística, incluyendo el acompañamiento psicosocial, la seguridad digital, distintas herramientas jurídicas, autoprotección, entre otros.

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Lineamientos para la construcción de planes integrales de protección con enfoque feminista

Consorcio para el Diálogo Parlamentario y la Equidad Oaxaca A.C., 2018

Esta es una propuesta metodológica que recupera experiencias de trabajo que se han construido en alianza con organizaciones que impulsan y coordinan redes de mujeres defensoras de derechos humanos. Aborda lineamientos, análisis de riesgos, ejemplos y ejercicios sobre la seguridad física, digital y el auto cuidado y bienestar.

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